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Articles - bulk generator - getting started
Updated over a week ago

You can access the bulk article generator by using using the ‘New’ button on the dashboard:

In this example however we will go to the bulk articles section by going to ‘bulk tools’ > ‘articles’:

Let’s then click on ‘+ Bulk Generate’ to open the generator:

We can now optionally add an easy to remember title for this generation:

We can now add rows manually by clicking ‘add article’. Here we see a new row is added. Each row represents an article to generate:

Clicking on the settings icon for a given article, we can see and edit all the optional fields:

Required fields:

  • Keyword (required) - this is the main search term on Google you want to rank for

  • Target region (required) - the main country you are optimizing for - view supported regions

Optional fields:

  • Title - if left empty, Shopia will generate an optimal title

  • Description - if left empty, Shopia will generate an optimal description

  • Long sections - enable to write more words per section - set as ‘TRUE’ to enable

    • When using Shopia’s ‘fast’ AI model - disabled ~ 125 words, enabled ~ 250 words

    • When using Shopia’s ‘quality’ AI model - disabled ~ 250 words, ‘enabled ~ 500 words

    • Please note however depending on the section topic these values can vary.

  • Writing style - if left empty, Shopia will determine an ideal writing style for the article topic

  • Custom sections - control the headers you want in your article - add each header on a new line

  • Instructions - instruct the AI on how the article content should be. You could define perspective ‘eg. first or third person’, or any other attribute you like

💡 If these field options are not ideal for your article creation process, please contact at [email protected]

Next in the bulk generator series:

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