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Action - search web - return results from Google, Youtube & more.
Updated over a week ago

Let’s create a new workflow step and select ‘search web’:

Next you can choose a data-source to search:

💡 We have many more data-sources coming soon!

Click the ‘pencil’ icon to go the step settings for this example we will choose to return just the URL so we can easily scrape these results in a later step:

Now we’re ready to run this step:

💡 Each url is on a new line. We can run additional logic on each URL in the next steps

Let’s say we want to scrape and summarize all the URLs from the results in step 1. First we click ‘add step’ then click on ‘scrape page or video’:

Here’s our action before we add inputs:

For the url we want to add the list of URLs from step 1. We need to tell Shopia to use the output of step 1 as a list where each item is on a new line. We can use the ‘splitby’ function for this and the action to perform on each URL will be to summarize:

💡 To learn more about the ways you can link step outputs - see output codes

Next let's learn an action commonly used with web-search - the scrape action:

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