Shopia's comes with many templates for all kinds of use-cases within marketing and sales. You can however use the automation builder for just about any use-case you need.
Accessing the automation builder
Building an automation from scratch
Once you've created a new automation. You can click 'Build a template' in the top-right:
You will be taken to the automation builder:
Customizing an automation
Once you've created a new automation. You can select an automation template as a starting point. In this example let's click on 'Covert blog-post to social posts & email':
You will be taken to the 'run' tab where you can test this template:
To customize your automation you can click on the build tab:
Here we can see the automation builder:
Click on 'edit this automation:
Now we can edit any steps, remove steps or add additional steps:
Building your automation
In this example we will aim to build an automation which scrapes a website for key details and then writes a simple ad. We'll start with a new automation and click 'build a template':
We'll be taken to the automation builder.
Adding steps
Let's choose the action for our first step. Click on 'search actions':
Here we can choose to add templates (left) to our automation or use a workflow tool (right). For our first step we will choose the 'scrape page or video' tool:
We now have our first step, let's add a second step by clicking 'add step' at the bottom:
Now we have to choose the action for the second step. We want to create a simple advertisement. We could choose from the many ad templates on the left however in this example we will choose the 'use custom prompt' tool:
We now have the steps we need to create our automation:
Creating inputs
We need one input for out automation, and that is the URL of the website we want to create an ad for. Click on inputs:
We'll call our input 'Website URL':
Please note that inputs are case-sensitive
Adding inputs
To add the input to a step, you can simply copy the input code by clicking on the copy icon on the right:
You can then paste it into any fields of a step:
Alternatively you can add any inputs via the plus icon on the right hand side of any field:
We can also add constant values to any fields. Let's add what we want to extract from the the website URL in step 1:
Next we will want to use the output from this step and use it in step 2 to create an ad.
Adding outputs
We can add the output of a previous step by using the [step_x] notation, where x is the number of a previous step. In step 2, let's add an instruction to write an advertisement that uses step 1:
Testing steps
Before we save our automation, we can test individual steps. Let's edit this step by clicking on the pencil icon in the top-right:
This will open the step editor:
Let's add some test data and click 'test this step':
Your test output will appear below: