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Plagiarism Checker
Updated over 3 months ago
  • If we provide content from external sources to AI for text generation, there poses a risk of plagiarism.

  • Shopia uses a number of techniques to avoid plagiarized content being produced by our AI tools & templates. Researched content is compiled, summarized and then rewritten in detail. In this way the AI has very little memory of the original content so it’s unable to plagiarize.

  • Any content team can produce plagiarized content however, by accidentally repeating research materials or misuse of AI instructions for tasks such as summarization. Some of our users therefore like to double check their content for plagiarism before publishing. This guide will show you how to do so.

Accessing quality checks

From the document editor, click on the tools dropdown in the top-right then click ‘quality checks':

Performing a plagiarism check

This will open the Document Manager - next click on 'Plagiarism Check':

Shopia will begin searching the web to find results that contain similar sentences to those inside your document content.

Viewing your results

When the analysis is complete, a popup will appear. Our overall plagiarism score is 1% ie there is a low amount of plagiarism detected. One potentially plagiarized web-page has been found:

The potentially plagiarised source has 1 sentence detected that may be plagiarised. We can click on the source to see what content is similar to our content:

💡 We provide more granular plagiarism and comparison tools to our enterprise clients. If you would like more information please contact us at [email protected].

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