Reference an output from a previous step
[step_x] - where x is any previous step number
Create a list from an output
[step_x, splitby_line] - split the output of step x by each new line.
[step_x, splitby_y] - split the output of step x where y is any custom value.
[step_x, splitby_list] - split the output of step x by each bullet point.
By default every split item is returned - you can however limit the size of the list by adding a third parameter like so:
[step_x, splitby_line, 1] - split the output and select the first item.
[step_x, splitby_line, 2-5] - split the output and select the items 2 to 5.
Viewing output code recommendations
You can always click on the β+β icon on any input to see output code recommendations: